Setup Your Machine

Here are list of applications required to setup development environment on Mac. It's also recommended that you refer to our Glossary page

1. iTerm2

Download iTerm2 from Drag and drop the app into your Applications folder.

2. ZSH

  1. Open iTerm2 window.
  2. Go to, scroll down, copy and paste the installation line into iTerm2 window (we'll call this terminal).
  3. If Zshell is not activated immediately, quit iTerm2 and open again.

3. Homebrew

Go to, find, copy and paste the installation line into terminal.

To make sure it's installed properly, type which brew and it should reply you with something like /usr/local/bin/brew

4. Atom Editor

Download Atom from Drag and drop the app into your Applications folder. If you start the editor on OSX for the first time, you should click at "Atom > Install Shell Commands"

Optionally, you can install these packages to help us deal with Python syntax:

  1. autocomplete-python
  2. linter-flake8

To install Packages, press ⌘+, or from menu, Atom -> Preferences. Click Install tab and search the package name, then click Install.

Click Packages tab to show or remove packages installed. It's safe to try one package and remove it so don't worry about that.


5. Git

We'll be using local git and Github.

6. Slack

Team TechLadies uses Slack for daily communications and it has downloadable Mac app here

7. Python

Mac comes with Python. Try typing python --version into terminal and it will show you which version installed. Alternatively, you can also install via Homebrew by typing brew install python.

The difference is that if you install via Homebrew, the Python binary will be placed under /usr/local/bin/python and it also automatically install pip Python package manager.

We are using Python 2.7.11 for this project.

8. Virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper

Steps to configure Virtualenv:

  1. From terminal, type sudo pip install virtualenv wait until completed.
  2. Next, type sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper wait until completed.
  3. Next, type export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs. This will place all your virtualenv under your HOME_DIRECTORY/Envs
  4. Next, type echo 'export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs' >> ~/.zshrc
  5. Next, type echo 'source /usr/local/bin/' >> ~/.zshrc
  6. Next, type mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
  7. Next, type source /usr/local/bin/

Test virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper

  1. Open new terminal session and type mkvirtualenv myproject. It should output few lines and the prompt on the left will indicate your current active virtualenv which is (myproject)
  2. To exit the virtualenv, type deactivate, the prompt will go normal again.
  3. To enter the virtualenv again, type workon myproject.
  4. You can create more virtualenv and to list all virtualenv you have, type workon only.
  5. To delete a virtualenv, type rmvirtualenv myproject


Any Python packages installed in this virtualenv only valid within this virtualenv. To list the packages installed, type pip freeze.

And that's a wrap!

Looks like we're good to go!